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Field Visit

Date 2010

Event ID 881998

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Loch Cluanie Dam is the main catchment and storage dam for the Northern section of the Great Glen scheme with water fed from a number of catchments and also fed in by tunnel from Loch Loyne (see separate item) which lies to the south. Cluanie Dam is at the top of a cascade with water passing through Ceannacroc, Livishie and Glenmorriston power stations (see separate items). The dam is rubble fill with a concrete panel fascia and oversailing vehicular access deck above fixed spillway to the centre. Tunnel gatehouse towers are located to both ends of the dam controlling flow in from Loch Loyne and flow out to Ceannacroc. A small valvehouse to the centre of the downstream face houses the compensation set and the controls for the large spiral dispersal valve. Cluanie Dam is of relatively standard design and construction. It is prominently sited adjacent to the A87 road to Kyle of Lochalsh and Skye forming a local landmark. PL Payne, 5; E Wood, 2002, 38; J Miller, 2002.

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