Archaeology Notes
Event ID 858246
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS55NW 149 533 587
NS 533 587 Archaeological field evaluation was carried out in October 2006 in advance of a proposed development at Darnley Mains, near Glasgow. We excavated 99 trial trenches (totalling 6200 linear metres) in the proposed development area, a 5% sample of the total area. The evaluation succeeded in identifying some structures, services, a trench and trackway associated with a building complex connected with a military rifle range dating from at least the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century. The evaluation also recorded the base of a truncated limekiln.
Archive to be deposited in NMRS. Report lodged with SMR and NMRS.
Sponsor: Meridian Developments Ltd.
Sophie Nicol, 2006.