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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 791774

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NG62SE 4 centred on 660 218

(previously recorded as NG62SE 25) NG 657 219 Deserted settlement (listed, no details given).

ACFA 1993.

(NG 660 218) Braigh Skulamus shown as a township in 1824 (Information from W Johnson's Map of Skye, 1824) nearly depopulated by 1901 (OS 6"map, Inverness-shire, 2nd ed.) totally deserted by 1955 (OS 1"map, 7th series)

This township, situated on terraces on a NE facing slope about 200'

OD., comprises some 24 ruined houses and outbuildings, with yards and enclosures. No lazy beds were noted and this is probably an early 'improvements' township.

Visited by OS (C F W) 20 June 1961

NG 648 223 - NG 662 215 As a follow-up to the survey undertaken by Association of Certificated Field Archaeologists in the Broadford to Ord area (ACFA 1993), a detailed field survey was undertaken by students in the 2nd year of thye Glasgow University Certificate in Field Archaeology course, in the hinterland to the S of Harrapool and SW of Skulamus. Over fifty rectangular to sub-rectangular buildings were recorded, varying in building material from turf to stone, together with associated small enclosures, field banks, rig cultivation and sheep-washes, indicative of pre- and post- clearance land use.

Sponsor: DACE, University of Glasgow

L Masters 1995

Five unroofed buildings (centred on NG 657 220), a sheepfold and a field-system are depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Inverness-shire, Isle of Skye 1881, sheet xlvi). Twenty-seven unroofed buildings, including a second grouping (centred on NG 660 218), the field-system, a sheep wash and a sheepfold are shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1986).

Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 3 December 1996

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