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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 772078
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NH53NW 21 5087 3612.
At NH 5087 3612, set into a N-facing slope, is an ill-defined, oval, stone-walled hut measuring c.10.0.m from the SW through the 'simple' entrance in the NE by c.8.5m transversely between the centres of a wall spread to. c.2.5m all round.
Around the hut are a number of stone clearance heaps, probably from contemporary cultivation plots.
Visited by OS (R L) 12 Feburary 1970
Surveyed at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (I S S) 7 January 1972
This hut-circle and field-system were visited during a pre-afforestation survey by J Wordsworth (NMRS MS 961/9, no.4). The full extent of this site, which covers about 2.7 hectares, is difficult to establish although it does seem to be localised along the ridge. There is a faint suggestion of broad rig on the N, extending down toward Fanblair though this identification is tenuous.
J Wordsworth 15 December 1995; NMRS MS 961/9, no.5