Archaeology Notes
Event ID 760565
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT36SE 142.01 35224 60380
Footbridge over railway immediately N of Fushiebridge Station (NT36SE 99).
The footbridge has stone abutments and a metal frame with bolted sections for the wooden decking, which is has now been removed or has rotted away.
The bridge is numbered 28, which is painted on to the N abutment on the N side.
A photograph taken in the c.1940's shows the bridge had wooden parapets at that date.
It is depicted on the 1st editions of the OS 6-inch and 25-inch maps (Edinburghshire 1854 and 1893 respectively, sheet13) and also on the current OS 1:2500 scale digital map.
Visited by RCAHMS (DE), 14 May 2008