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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 732774

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NY39NE 12 3862 9664.

(NY 3862 9664) Enclosure (NR)

OS 6" map (1964)

Scooped enclosure, Fiddleton.


This sub-oval structure is situated on an E-facing slope at 610 ft OD, beside Glenvarren Sike and set slightly into the slope. It has been considerably reduced by cultivation and now consists of a low, turf-covered rubble bank best preserved on the NW where it measures some 4.0m wide and 0.5m high. The almost level, featureless interior measures about 63.0m E-W by 60.0m transversely. Due to the absence of any definite huts, this structure can only be classified as an enclosure.

Surveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS (RDL) 31 July 1962 and (RD) 16 December 1971

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