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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 728381

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NX59SE 18 570 906 to 5723 9066.

NX 572 908. Close by the remains of inscribed cross-slabs (NX59SE 3) are three groups of small cairns, perhaps 30 stony mounds in all. There is also one ring cairn (or enclosed cremation cemetery) 62 ft outside diameter, 55ft inside diameter. An ancient pack-road runs close by.

M L Ansell 1966

NX 570 906. A clearance cairnfield extends over approximately 19.0 hectares of the open S and SW gentle slopes of Braidenoch Hill between 850 - 975 ft OD.

Exceeding 40 in number, the turf covered cairns do not appear to be divided into groups although occasional outcrops break an even but random, distribution. They vary from circular to oval in shape and average 5.0m in diameter and 0.5m high. No field pattern or lynchets could be discerned. It is possible the cairns are of at least two-period origin. Many of those in the proximity of a deserted farmstead at NX 5728 9075 are of more substantial build and have little accumulated turf cover, but they merge imperceptibly with the remainder and no certain distinction can be made.

The alleged 'ring cairn' located at NX 5723 9066 is possibly a late enclosure of no archaeological significance. It comprises a denuded, sub-circular stone and earth bank up to 2.0m wide and 0.4m high, enclosing a featureless interior slightly levelled into the hillslope. It has no apparent entrance and measures overall 17.0m E-W by 15.0m N-S. Situated inconspicuously on gentle S sloping moorland it does not resemble supposed enclosed cremation cemeteries of known cairnfields (see NX98NE 5) or a hut circle. Lying only 80m from a deserted farmstead, it is possibly an associated work. Visited by OS (JRL) 14 February 1978.

NX 570 908 (centre) An area of 1000 acres surrounding Braidenoch Hill was inspected and numerous previously unrecorded sites were located.

A full report has been lodged with the NMRS.

Sponsor: Scottish Woodlands Ltd.

T Ward 1998

At least 163 clearance cairns, stretching over the SW and S slopes of Braidenoch Hill, were noted during a pre-afforestation survey. They range in both size and shape; from 1m to 6m in diameter and up to 0.5m in height. There is no obvious pattern to the distribution. Some of the cairns on the S-facing slope are vegetation free.

The ring-cairn, previously observed by the OS is a ring-enclosure. It measures 16.5m from E to W by 14.5m overall. It is levelled into the slope on the N, forming a 0.75m high scarp whilst on the S, the enclosure is defined by loose stone.

T Ward and M Brown (Biggar Museum Trust) July 1998; NMRS MS 959/3, nos.10 and 13

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