Archaeology Notes
Event ID 722914
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT64SE 4 c. 653 437.
The following articles were found in 1836 under a cairn near Gordon: An urn with zig-zag ornament, two portions of a silver clasp, two oblong silver ingots, and a gold ring of plaited wire. They were in the possession of Mr John Hay in 1880.
J Hardy 1882.
Cadger's Cairn, long since removed, stood on a slight 'knowe' in the NW corner of the eighth field on the left hand side of the road to Edenside, to the NE of Gordon, and about exactly half way in a straight line between Gordon and Mack's Mill. (NT 6531 4379)
Beneath the cairn was found: an urn, about 16ins in height and 10ins diameter at the mouth, profusely decorated, which broke after discovery, a gold ring of twisted wire, five strands of three threads each, in a good state of preservation, the hook of a silver bracelet and part of another, two ingots of silver, and an iron spearhead which disintegrated on exposure.
W Stobbs 1885.
The silver articles and probably the gold ring belong to the 10th or 11th century, and must have been a secondary deposit.
Information from OS recorder (CJP) 7 May 1955.
No further information was obtained during field investigation.
Visited by OS (JD) 24 May 1955.
Previous field report confirmed. An accurate siting is not possible from the topographical description given by Stobbs (W Stobbs 1885).
Visited by OS (EGC) 3 December 1963.
Urn listed as a Food Vessel Urn (? lost).
T G Cowie 1978.
Listed. The present location of the articles found is not known. No further information.
RCAHMS 1980, visited 1979.
There are no visible remains of this cairn in an area of improved pasture.
Visited by RCAHMS (RJCM, JRS) 1 October 1993.