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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 722156
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT82SW 6 8383 2414.
(NT 8383 2414) Settlement (NR)
OS 6" map, (1962).
This settlement is situated 350 yds SW of Currburn house, on the crest of a spur. It consists of a sub-rectangular enclosure, 390' NW-SE by 200', within a boulder-faced rubble wall (A on RCAHMS 1956 plan, fig. 442). On the NE half of the circuit this wall is represented by a grass-covered mound from 8' to 14' thick in which a few outer facing stones appear in situ. On the NW and W, its line is indicated merely by an intermittent crest-line, and on the S it has been entirely destroyed. There is a length of 105' of an external ditch on the SE, while on the NW and W, the same ditch is represented by a terrace about 20' in width. Outside parts of the terrace there are indications of the remains of an outer bank; one section 30' long to the NW and another 165' long to the SW. Within the settlement there are the remains of three groups of structures. One, in the NW, consists of two scooped courts and a hut circle which measures 26' in diameter within a wall 3' thick. Another, in the NE, is an agglomeration of small enclosures bounded by turf-covered walls. The third structure, on the SW, appears to be later in date; it consists of a scooped court which overlies part of the inner wall of the settlement and which measures about 70' from NW to SE and transversely. At the E side of the court there are two platforms, divided and backed by two low grassy banks, and in the SW the foundations of a small semi-oval enclosure, probably a hut, abut on the inner face of the outer wall of the settlement. There are, in addition, two isolated excavated hollows which lie in the SE part of the settlement. A dyke crosses the site from NW to SE.
RCAHMS 1956, visited 1938.
Generally as described by the RCAHMS.
RCAHM plan revised. (OS surveyor {WDJ} 22 August 1960).
Visited by OS (RD) 13 June 1968.
No change.
Revised at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (TRG) 12 August 1976.