Archaeology Notes
Event ID 716342
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT36SW 3 3267 6332.
(NT 3267 6332) Church (NR) (rems of)
OS 6" map (1967)
The ruined old parish church of Cockpen, which dates from the 13th century, is oblong on plan, 65 1/2' E-W by 14' within 3' thick walls. In the 17th century, galleries were placed at either end, with accesses, and the Dalhousie Aisle, now a burial place, was added to the N. A second, later burial place has been added E of this. A vestry, contemporary with the Dalhousie Aisle, projects from the W end of the S wall. A 17th century belfry surmounts the W gable of the church. Very little 13th century work is visible, but parts of the ashlar wall are untouched. The walls are still entire the church being dismantled about 1826 (Name Book 1853).
Also know as Dalwolsy, the church was granted to Newbattle Abbey by Patrick de Ramsay in 1356 (I B Cowan 1967).
D MacGibbon and T Ross 1896; RCAHMS 1929, visited 1915
As described above. The walls are much decayed and covered with thick vegetation.
Visited by OS (JLD) 7 September 1954
No change to previous field report.
Visited by OS (BS) 29 October 1975
Archaeolgical work at Cockpen Church was undertaken by AOC (Scotland) Ltd in advance of conservation of the building by Edinburgh Architects Simpson & Brown for Midlothian District Council. Excavation to limited depths was conducted in six areas at the outer wall faces of the church and in two areas of the interior.
Excavation in the interior recorded demolition debris overlying an intact flagstone floor at the W end, and in the centre, remnants of several successive clay, mortar and stone floors. The foundations of a demolished primary W wall were recorded in the central cutting and in general, there is clear evidence that the present building not only incorporates many local modifications, but represents a westward extension of the church to twice its original length.
The external excavations recorded soil and rubble accumulations against the church walls with evidence of deep turbation by burials in the church environs. Previously unrecorded structural or built features were recorded in several areas. Remnants of stone-stairs were revealed to abut the N face of the church both at its mid-point and at the W end. Two parallel stone walls perpendularly abutted the S face of the church at either side of a blocked opening. A stone-built tomb was exposed at the W wall of the Dalhousie Aisle. A cutstone, chamfered plinth was revealed at the foot of both the S wall and the NE buttress.
The presence of graves was recorded both in the church environs and in the interior. The internal burials are likely to represent a hiatus in the use of the church for formal worship in the late medieval period. In general, inhumations in all areas lay below the limits of excavation, and although numerous graves were identified, only three were excavated.
Finds included several fragments of disturbed and disarticulated human skeletal remains, assorted iron nails, coffin fittings, a window bar, a lead came fragment, clay pipe stems, several coins or tokens, miscellaneous fragments of window glass and a few sherds of both medieval and modern pottery.
Evidence for some form of pre-church settlement was recorded in the form of rubble and midden material sealed by a buried topsoil layer.
Sponsor: Simpson & Brown Architects for Midlothian District Council.
J O'Sulliven 1993; MS/830/1.