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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 714156

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NT48NE 7 4988 8572 to 4986 8572

(NT 4988 8572 and NT 4986 8572) Caves (NR)

OS 6" map (1968)

There are two caves at Hanging Rocks, about 15' from the high water mark. They were excavated in 1908. The first cave had its entrance blocked by a rubble wall, in which were fireplaces, provided with flues. The wall had been restored by stepping and pointing. A deposit 10" to 1' deep lay on the floor. It contained charcoal, indicating the promiscuous use of fires, though the main hearth was marked by a circle of stones 10' in diameter, 24' from the entrance and near the centre of the floor. In the deposit were found the lower half of a rotary quern, a whetstone, an iron knife, a socketed spearhead, a whorl, bone pin and button, parts of two glass armlets, also pieces of 1st or 2nd century Samian pottery (now in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland [NMAS]) and the neck of a 2nd century coarse grey Roman jug, etc.

The second cave, 10' N, also contained a hearth and an occupation layer from which were recovered a whetstone, a bronze pin, a deer horn pick, the rim of a 2nd century coarse fumed Roman bowl, etc.

All the finds are related to the Early Iron Age. It is probable that several occupations occurred, but lack of stratification in the deposits could give neither their number or duration. It is certain that at least one of them was referable to Roman or post-Roman times. The wall built across the entrance to the first cave might be attributed to any date between the 4th and 12th centuries.

J A Cree 1909; RCAHMS 1924; J Curle 1932 ; A S Robertson 1970.

The caves are generally as described and illustrated.

Visited by OS (RDL) 15 November 1962

Two caves were excavated in 1908 and found to contain evidence of early Iron Age occupation. The caves are generally as described by the RCAHMS 1962. The second cave (west) has hill wash covering the floor and the roof appears to have collapsed recently.

Site recorded by GUARD during the Coastal Assessment Survey for Historic Scotland, 'The Firth of Forth from Dunbar to the Coast of Fife' 19th February 1996.

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