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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 713506
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT27SE 1.17 2510 7353.
(see also NT27SE 1.32)
Mills Mount (NR).
OS 1/1250 plan, (1947).
Mill's Mount: ... the site where a "Storekeeper's House" stood in the 17th century. A small barrack-building is now situated upon it...(J S Richardson and M Wood 1948).
Visited by OS(JLD) 20 November 1953.
(NT 2510 7353) Modern building on site of medieval building.
Visited by OS(JLD) 29 December 1953.
Area X Storekeeper's House, Tunnel Exit
The N part of the continuation of the tunnel W from Mills Mount was excavated under the direction of Dr S Driscoll. Substantial remains of the 17th century Storekeeper's House were found to lie intact beneath the Hanovarian Cart Sheds. A fine, stone-built and plaster rendered fire-place was revealed in the E end wall. The construction of the Storekeeper's House, while removing some earlier deposits, did not totally destroy them. Medieval layers which had been observed on Mills Mount were identified. The quality of preservation was such that full scale excavation of the area beneath the shop floor has now been programmed into the work. The author is pleased to acknowledge the help and cooperation received from James Williamson and Partners, Lilly Construction Ltd and the Edinburgh Castle HBM works squad.
Sponsor: SDD, HBM
P Yeoman 1989.
An area occupied by the basement of the 17th century Storekeeper's House was mechanically excavated to create a storage space for the new restaurant which was being constructed in the former Cartshed. The watching brief recorded the basic structural elements of the 17th century basement and a few traces of the earlier prehistoric occupation, which were very similar to the earliest levels recorded in the Mills Mount excavation trenches.
Sponsor : HS
S T Driscoll, 1992b