Archaeology Notes
Event ID 712469
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NT18SW 32 1478 8247.
(NT 1478 8247) A castle is shown at St David's on Ainslie's 'Map of Fife' (1775). Fordell Castle Inn (OS 6" map 1854), now Fordell Arms
(OS 6" map 1928) is apparently on the site.
Stephen makes a general reference to the site of St David's, which takes its designation from a rock in the vicinity formerly called 'St David's Castle'. Chalmers refers to St David's Castle in a description of the creeks on the north side of the Forth.
W Stephen 1921; G Chalmers 1889
There are no structural remains of a castle to be seen at the point indicated by Ainslie; the Fordell Arms together with the remainder of the hamlet of St David's, are now deserted and derelict, the whole now incorporated in a shipbreaker's yard.
Visited by OS (AC) 11 March 1959