Archaeology Notes
Event ID 702510
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS43SW 2 4279 3272.
(NS 4279 3272) Dun (NR)
OS 6" map (1969)
Camp Castle (NR) (Site of)
OS 6" map (1910)
Camp Castle is noted as a dun by Hendry, and a broch by Feachem. Set on bare rock on the uneven summit of a hillock, a brief excavation was carried out on it in 1961. It consisted of a wall, 15ft thick, which enclosed a circular space 30ft in diameter; only foundations remain. Huge undressed boulders form the outer and inner faces; the space between is packed with rubble. Part of a mural chamber, 5ft wide, was exposed. On the W side, much of the wall has been removed, probably to build dykes.
I A Hendry 1961; R W Feachem 1963; letter and plan from K A Steer, 13 October 1953 and 16 April 1954.
When visited in 1954, Camp Castle was described as an almost circular enclosure, possibly a dun, about 19.0m in diameter, formed by a barely traceable wall, 3.0m - 4.0m wide. Large, rough blocks of stone marked the outer face of the wall on the E and S, while the W had been destroyed by quarrying. The inner face was not clear and the entrance was not apparent.
Visited by OS (JLD) 3 June 1954
Camp Castle: name unverified. The remains of this dun are generally as described and planned. It is mostly turf-covered.
Resurveyed at 1:2500.
Visited by OS (JRL) 21 June 1982