Archaeology Notes
Event ID 698503
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NS24NW 1 21094 48416
(NS 2109 4841) Law Castle (NR) (remains of)
OS 6" map (1970)
Law Castle is believed to have been built about 1468. Though now roofless, its walls remain complete. It is oblong on plan, measuring some 41ft by 30ft. There are four storeys beneath the parapet, the garret storey above having fallen in.
D MacGibbon and T Ross 1889; N Tranter 1965
Law Castle, which is as described, is in fair condition. It is a very good example of a tower of this type.
Visited by OS (DS) 12 September 1956
No charge. The castle is unused and there is no public access to the interior. A plaque, of unknown origin, on the W wall reads: "Law Castle: Built in 1468 for Princess Mary, sister of James III, on her marriage to Thomas Boyd, later Earl of Arran. Gunports were built after the introduction of cannon. A very good example of a medium sized 15th century tower with three floors and two vaulted cellars".
Visited by OS (JRL) 29 October 1982
Being converted to flats.
Information from OS 14 June 1989.
Now restored and occupied.
N Tranter 1990