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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 696857

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NR89NE 1 8509 9668.

(NR 8509 9668) St Bride's Chapel (NR) (In Ruins)

OS 6" map, Argyllshire, 2nd ed., (1900)

St Bride's Chapel, now roofless, is of uncertain date, possibly c. 1300. It is a simple oblong on plan, rubble-walled and gabled. The floor is grass-grown, and a dry-stone dyke forms a narrow enclosure on the entrance side (SDD 1960-). There is an 18th century memorial tablet to the Campbells of Rudale in the W gable, which explains the good preservation of the building (Campbell and Sandeman 1964).

The chapel was in use until the Reformation.

SDD 1960-; M Campbell and M Sandeman 1964; M Campbell 1961.

The remains of St Bride's Chapel stand to roof height and measure 13.2m E-W by 6.9m over walls 0.9m wide of roughly coursed masonry and pinnings bonded with lime mortar. There are two lancet windows in the E gable and one at the E end of the N and S walls. There is an arched entrance in the W end of the S wall, and two communion aumbries in the E wall.

Visited by OS (RD) 21 October 1971.

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