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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 695058
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NR57NW 1 5186 7984
NR 5186 7984. An area of 950 square feet on the raised beach (59ft OD) at Glenbatrick was excavated in 1970-1. Two camps had been made, one producing artifacts (189 microliths) comparable with those from Lussa Bay, dating 7000-6500 BC. The other, from which came 239 microliths and two leaf-shaped arrowheads, contained a small cooking-pit. Charcoal from it gave a corrected calendar age of about 2950 BC. Charcoal from the area between the two floors gave a date of about 3860 BC.
(Full description given in article.)
J Mercer 1975.
The excavation trenches have been filled in.
Visited by OS (J M) 17 May 1978.