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Field Visit

Date April 1981

Event ID 694165

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


Blackhill Wood NO 796 817 NO78SE 19

This long cairn is situated on the crest of a low rise immediately S of the public road and E of the NE corner of Blackhill Wood. It measures 47.6m in length, and tapers from 16.2m in breadth at the E end to about 4.8m at the W end; the central portion has been severely robbed, but at the E end the cairn material survives to a height of 1.2m. The W end of the cairn is apparently overlain by a round cairn (8.5m in diameter by 0.4m in height), and along the S side there are a series of irregular heaps of what are probably field-cleared stones. About 30m ENE of the E end there is at least one small cairn (4.5m in diameter by 0.4m in height).

RCAHMS 1982, visited April 1981

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