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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 690934
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NO64NE 8 6928 4600.
(NO 6928 4600) Promontory fort formed by triple banks 1.5m high and ditches across the base of the headland, broken by a centrally placed entrance which is approached by a causeway. Visible on RAF AP's (F21 540:986: 0170-1).
Surveyed at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (JLD) 10 June 1958
Excavations carried out by the Abertay Historical Society between 1962 and 1971 confirmed the triple defences and indicated the existence of a post-hole hut complex with associated paving in the enceinte. Small finds suggested a 2nd century occupation. A secondary structure overlay the entrance causeway and the remains of an apparently intrusive long cist were found at the outer end of the outer end of the entrance.
Three rampart sections were dug, the first, in an unspecified position revealing a revetting of large stones. The second dug in 1967 south of the entrance through which the rampart is not stated revealed two sleeper trenches for a wood or stone revetting. The infill was of upcast turf and clay topped with rubble. The third section was dug in 1970 across the inner rampart showed a stone rampart with timber supports overlying a clay bank. The inner ditch was u-shaped with a deep'slat' at the bottom; the middle ditch was rock cut roughly u-shaped and the shape of the outer ditch was ascertained but is not stated.
The entrance passage which was part of the original structure, had a central doorcheck and was well paved with indications to wear. The internal settlement complex was accompanied by stone-lined and paved storage pits and at best one hearth.
Small finds included a Roman 2nd century bronze fibula, and also datable to the first half of the second century a bronze pennanular brooch, a section of glass armlet and a yellow glass bead similar to finds from Newstead.
During excavations in July and August 1965, a shaped slab of sandstone bearing an incised design was found.
J Wilson 1963; 1964; 1965; 1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970; 1971; A S Robertson 1970; D R Wilson 1972