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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 690126

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NO51NW 9 51272 16602

(Centred at NO 5125 1657) St Leonard's College (NR) (Remains of)

OS 25" map (1914)

'A hospital belonging to the Culdees existed at St Andrews in the 12th century. It was transferred to the bishopric and in 1144 conveyed by Bishop Robert to the Priory. At first known as the hospital of St Andrew, it was later associated with St Leonard." Owing to the decline in pilgrimages the hospital was little patronised and was used as a residence for elderly women.

"Ultimately in February 1512 'the hospital and church of St Leonard joined there to, newly built in proper form at the expense of the Church of St Andrews' were turned by Archbishop Stewart and Prior John Hepburn into a college 'to be called the College of Poor Clerks of the Church of St Andrews.'

A parish church of St Leonard is mentioned in 1413 (Liber Priory St Andree) but the present building is mainly if not wholly subsequent to that date...but there are slight indications that the part of the building which extends for 56 feet from the present west gable is earlier than the portion beyond which dates from the 16th century." In 1910 the roof was replaced and the windows were reglazed.

RCAHMS 1933 .

A bull of Innocent IV dated 1246, mentions the Hospital of St Andrews while another bull of the same Pope, dated 1248, named it St Leonards. It is possible that the change of name is due to Bishop David de Bernham (1233-53) who consecrated many religious buildings during his occupation of the See.

The hospital however " was founded long before it was known as St Andrews or St Leonards. In a charter dated 1144, dealing with the institution of the priory Bishop Robert assigned to the canons the hospital of the city, as he named it. "He also enlarged it so as to make it 'open to all comers.' Very little is known regarding the structural changes in the buildings which were assigned to the College at its foundation, but Cardinal Beaton in his charter of 1545 states thatPrior Hepburn and the Chapter repaired and made additions to these buildings. Martine says that the Guest Hall of the Priory 'stood within the precincts of St Leonard's College'.

R K Hannay and R Herkless 1905

The church was used for public worship until St Leonard's College was united to St Salvator's in 1749. A long range of buildings on the south side of the church were occupied as students lodgings but these were also abandoned and converted into private houses.

D MacGibbon and T Ross 1897

St Leonard's College with those of St Mary (NO51NW 8) and St Salvator (NO51NW 10) formed the University of St Andrews (NO51NW 8).

A H Millar 1895

This church has been completely restored, and is in good condition. It is in use as a University Chapel. No remains of the old College Buildings are to be found. Modern blocks have been erected on the site.

Visited by OS (JLD) 17 October 1956

As described above.

Visited by OS (WDJ) 29 May 1964.

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