Archaeology Notes
Event ID 689128
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NO43SW 110.00 41310 30331
Queen Elizabeth Wharf [NAT]
OS (GIS) AIB, April 2006.
NO43SW 110.01 Centred NO 413 303 Cranes
For general summary of Dundee Harbour and the Port of Dundee, see NO43SW 109.
Location formerly entered as Centred NO 4131 3036.
This wharf occupies a length of the N bank of the River Tay to the W of the entrance to Camperdown and Victoria Docks (NO 4139 3046). A travelling crane system (NO43SW 110.01) runs along its length.
The location assigned to this record defines the centre of the length of the wharf. The available map evidence indicates that it extends from NO 41227 30285 to NO 41395 30378.
Information from RCAHMS (RJCM), 18 April 2006.