Archaeology Notes
Event ID 687830
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NO36NW 1 31934 66814.
(NO 3193 6681) Chapel (NR) (remains of)
OS 6" map, (1972)
The remains of a mission chapel built in 1693 and still in use in 1833 (NSA 1845) although it was unroofed by 1863 (ONB 1863). The walls are intact, although overgrown, of rubble construction with no notable features except a small rectangular belfry projecting from the SW angle. Two circular stones bear the dates '1693' and '1695'. The interior is used as a burial place for the Ogilvy family.
Visited by OS (J L D) 11 September 1958
NSA 1845; Name Book 1863; A J Warden 1880-5.
A small roofless ruin, the remains of a mission chapel built in 1693.
M Dalland and S Carter (Headland Archaeology) July 1998; NMRS MS 899/87, no.17