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Field Visit

Date 18 January 1987

Event ID 684108

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


NO15NW 45 1048 5708.

Formerly part of NO15NW 1.

This cairn is situated on the gentle S-facing slope of a ridge 400m E of the Grey Cairn. It measures about 12m in diameter over a rough kerb of boulders and a large cist has been exposed by antiquarian excavations immediately W of the centre (Stuart 1868). The cist is aligned NNW and SSE and measures a maximum of 1.15m along the E side by 0.8m across the N end; although these two slabs meet at right-angles, the cist is not rectangular and the W side measures 1.02m and the S end 0.72m. Originally the cist was probably no deeper than 0.55m, the maximum height of the N slab, but today it is about 0.65m deep. A notch in the top of the W side-slab, which is broken vertically, probably indicates where a crowbar was inserted under the cover, although no such stone is now visible on the site.

Fifteen stones of the kerb are visible, particularly around the S, and the cairn is no more than 0.3m high where it is undisturbed on the E. The cist had been emptied prior to the excavations of 1865 and nothing else was found.

Visited by RCAHMS (SH) 18 January 1987.

RCAHMS 1990.

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