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Archaeology Notes
Event ID 676642
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NN31SE 1 3658 1435.
Three small occupation sites, with boulders, are situated on a knoll on the right bank of the Glengyle Water, at spot-level 568. A short distance to the west, between two tributary burns, is a flattish site scooped out of another knoll.
Visited 9 September 1952.
RCAHMS 1963.
Without further evidence or analogy there seems little to warrant the statement in (RCAHMS 1963) that these slight depressions are of archaeological significance.
There is no evidence of entrances.
Visited by OS (FDC) 4 April 1957.
NN 3658 1435. An amorphous mound of iron slag measuring approximately 20.0m by 10.0m. Three small hollows are visible but these certainly do not indicate occupation. Near the centre is a setting of stones which may represent a hearth.
The site to the W is a natural depression in a knoll.
Surveyed at 1:10 560.
Visited by OS (JP) 11 April 1973.
Site recorded during an archaeological survey carried out in advance of possible forest regeneration around Loch Katrine in January 1997.
NN 3658 1436 Bloomery.
Sponsor: West of Scotland Water.
I Cullen and G Tompsett 1997
This bloomery mound was noted during a survey of woodlands around Loch Katrine by GUARD (NMRS MS 725/129, no.8). It is situated close to the confluence of the Glengyle Water and a tributary burn. The possible hearth, noted previously, appears as an overgrown jumble of stones measuring 1.6m by 1.5m.
I Cullen and G Tompsett (GUARD) 7 to 12 January 1997; NMRS MS 725/129, no.8