Archaeology Notes
Event ID 651654
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NC82SE 23 862 206
At NC 862 206 on a SW-facing hillslope above the Halliagarry Burn there are two similar heather-covered hut circles (A' and 'B') entered from the S.
'A' is seen as a low platform, with the hut measuring 9.0m N-S by 8.0m within slight traces of a wall. The W arc is almost totally obscured by peat and heather.
'B' is marginally better-preserved; it measures 11.0m N-S by 10.0m within a wall spread to 2.0m where measureable. The N arc has been obliterated by mutilation or peat cover.
There are only one or two clearance heaps in the vicinity, although the ground is of a smooth, stone free nature.
Surveyed at 1:10 560.
Visited by OS (J B) 7 March 1977.