Archaeology Notes
Event ID 650820
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NC75SW 5 729 538.
(A: NC 7294 5384) Enclosure (NR), (B: NC 7295 5383 and C: NC 7295 5379) Hut Circles (NR)
OS 6"map, (1964)
Two hut circles and one enclosure accompanied by a few field clearance heaps.
Visited by OS (J L D) 5 May 1960.
This is a settlement of three hut circles (A - C) on level, open ground scarred by old peat-cuttings. Half a dozen stony mounds nearby indicate associated field clearance.
Hut A, probably one of two earthen circles, above Loch Ma Naire" noted by Horsburgh (1870) measures 10.5 by 9.0m internally within a low wall spread to 2.0m broad. The entrance is on the shorter axis in the east arc.
B measures 7.5 by 6.5m internally and has an entrance from the south quarter on the line of the long axis; the wall is spread to 2.0m broad. The wall exterior at the west side of the entrance expands into a mound 3.5m diameter by 0.5m high.
C is poorly preserved, only the west half remaining to an appreciable degree. It would have been about 6.0m internal diameter; an entrance position is no longer evident.
Revised at 1:10,000.
J Horsburgh 1870; Visited by OS (J M) 19 July 1977.