Archaeology Notes
Event ID 650009
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Archaeology Notes
NC63NE 24 centred 669 382.
Centered on NC 669 382, on low lying broken ground of southerly aspect, is a settlement of three hut circles (A-C) in association with a minor field system. The latter, about three hectares area, is denoted in some rickles and heaps of stone clearance and, to the NE of hut 'B', in a wasted stretch of field walling; measurable cultivation plots are not discernible. The huts are generally heather-covered; 'A' and 'C' are broadly similar in build; 'B', lightly scooped out of the slope, is a comparatively frail structure.
Hut 'A' is 8.5 NW-SE by 7.5m inside a wall spread to 1.5-2.0m broad and standing 0.4m high. One or two large stones are visible in the hut construction, in particular an outer facing slab abutting the entrance in the SE quarter.
'B' is about 5.5m internal diameter. The west segment seems to have been quarried out and the north arc is overlaid by a stony mound; elsewhere the wall is reduced to a low spread 1-1.5m broad. The entrance is no longer evident.
'C', very much reduced, is about 10.5 by 9.0m within a wall spread to 1.5m broad. The entrance is from the S quarter on the line of the longer axis.
Surveyed at 1:10 560.
Visited by OS (J M) 18 March 1977.