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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 649461

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NC56SE 10 579 623.

There are hut circles at NC 5790 6234, NC 5795 6232 and NC 5792 6228. The former is 10.0m in diameter, with distinct inner and outer facings and an entrance to the southeast. The other two are 9.0m in diameter. Nearby cented NC 578 623 is a "cairnfield". At least nine, 3-4m in diameter, 1/2-1m high, in an oval pattern.

T C Welsh 1973; Information from T C Welsh 23 July 1973

Centred on NC 579 623 in a southerly hillside is a settlement of three hut circles (A-C) accompanied by a field system.

Hut 'A' measures 7.5m in diameter within a peat-covered wall, 1.4m estimated width and 0.3m maximum height. At the entrance in the south-east arc are a number of large facing slabs. B and C are less well-preserved; the former survives as a platform, 5.0m in diameter, and the latter is 7.0m in diameter within a peat-silted stone wall of indeterminate thickness.

The field system, delineated to some measure by linear stone clearance on its north-east and south sides, comprises clearance heaps spaced from 5.0 to 15.0m apart with one or two lynchets visible. Two cultivation plots measuring 15.0 by 10.0m and 20.0 by 15.0m are evident.

Surveyed at 1:10 000.

Visited by OS (JM) 24 August 1978

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