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Archaeology Notes

Event ID 649371

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Archaeology Notes


NC50NE 64 5906 0904.

At NC 5906 0904, on a low ridge bounded by marshy ground, are two hut circles, one within the other, with an associated field system. The inner and later hut is 4.0m NW-SE by 3.7m internally, within a wall 1.1m thick and 0.5m high. The inner face of boulders on edge is visible for most of the periphery, and occasional outer facing stones remain. The entrance in the SE is obscured by tumble of vegetation, but appears to be of simple form. The outer hut is overlaid by the inner, and is denuded. It measures approximately 7.5m in diameter and where visible the wall is spread to 2.5m broad. The position of the entrance cannot be determined.

The field system comprises stone clearance heaps and occasional lynchets fringing stone-free areas of cultivation. At the extremities the clearance is scattered, but in the vicinity of the huts, several well-defined plots are apparent, 35.0m by 15.0m average size.

Surveyed at 1:10,000.

Visited by OS (N K B) 13 August 1976.

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