Field Visit
Date 4 May 1991
Event ID 641085
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
NC82NW 31 centred 8332 2608
There are two peat-covered hut-circles on the S side of the track to Altanduin and to the NE of Ceannabhaid township (NC82NW 14).
A. NC 8334 2609 This hut-circle measures 10.1m from ESE to WNW by 9.1m transversely within a bank 2.6m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the ESE, and probing suggested a high stone content to the bank.
(KILD91 271)
B. NC 8332 2608 This hut-circle measures 7.5m in diameter within a bank 2.5m in thickness and 0.3m in height. The entrance is on the SSW, and probing suggested a high stone content to the bank.
(KILD91 272)
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 4 May 1991.