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Field Visit

Date July 2008 - August 2008

Event ID 577479

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


ND 218 690 Between July and August 2008 an ambitious archaeological community programme began in and around Dunnet Bay. The project aimed to encourage local people to engage with their heritage; to use their archaeology and history to enhance community and cultural identity; and to appreciate the cultural and natural resources of the area. Archaeological training in a range of techniques was central to all aspects of the work.

Working with AOC Archaeology Group a six week programme was formulated that included: survey, fieldwork,

post-excavation, weekend workshops, evening lectures, schools workshops, a daily website, open days, posters and press releases. The aim was to engage as much of the community as possible.

Fieldwork was a central component of the project, and the programme combined community training with an

assessment of the archaeological deposits in and around Dunnet Bay. The study area covered c5km2. Known

archaeology included chambered cairns, brochs, medieval buildings, a Viking grave and a possible Viking settlement. The fieldwork aimed to augment these findings and locate, characterise and define the extent of other possible human activity, with a particular focus on the Viking and Late Norse/medieval periods. Survey incorporated fieldwalking, EDM survey, 3D laser scanning and a programme of coring.

A small-scale evaluation excavation was also undertaken, focussing on two of the primary areas identified through survey. Both were in the northern area of the bay, close to a possible Norse settlement. In one of the trenches a putative wall associated with anthropogenic soils was recorded. Post-excavation analysis will concentrate on assessing the nature and date of these deposits. Following the successful training

programme the area will continue to be mapped by the local community. Grateful thanks to Heritage Lottery Fund for sponsoring the project and to the local community for all their effort and support.

Archive: RCAHMS (intended)

Funder: Heritage Lottery Fund

Andrew Heald (Castletown Heritage Society / AOC Archaeology Group), 2008

People and Organisations
