Recording Your Heritage Online
Event ID 564663
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Recording Your Heritage Online
In Mill Place, terraces of singlestorey estate workers' cottages, c.1880, arranged in L-plan beside the bridge.
Mill, 18th century Ruinous (having ceased use c.1900), with 19th century wheel still in situ on its ashlar gable. The small window's chamfered jambs look reused from an earlier building, as is the datestone built into the south wall. This records the alliance of Malcolm Macleod and Mary Mackenzie of Applecross, who married in 1713 , the date of 1720 probably coinciding with the building of 'new' Raasay House.
Taken from "Western Seaboard: An Illustrated Architectural Guide", by Mary Miers, 2007. Published by the Rutland Press