Recording Your Heritage Online
Event ID 564600
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Recording Your Heritage Online
Knock Farmhouse, 18th century Former tacksman's house, with lower flanking offices as crosswise wings, shown on Mathew Stobie's map of 1763 alongside formal gardens. On the first floor, late 18th/early 19th century panelling, the east room with some rare painted panels. Alterations by James Gillespie Graham, 1802. Large court of steadings on riverbank, c.1800, undergoing conversion by Simpson & Brown Architects to a whisky distillery and visitor centre - Stal Thorabhaig (see p.211 ). Former mill (now roofless) below.
Taken from "Western Seaboard: An Illustrated Architectural Guide", by Mary Miers, 2008. Published by the Rutland Press