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Edinburgh University's Angus and South Aberdeenshire Field School

Date August 1995 - October 1995

Event ID 558095

Category Recording

Type Ground Survey


NO 555 668 (NO56NE 1) An archaeological survey and excavation were conducted at Brown Caterthun between August and October 1995 in response to evidence of substantial rabbit damage to the earthworks enclosing the hilltop. The principal motive for the fieldwork was to assess the extent of rabbit-derived erosion, as a basis for future implementation of ameliorative land management policies. The evaluative excavations have shown that the degree of rabbit (and other) damage to Brown Caterthun hillfort is at least as extensive as surface traces indicate and in many instances the erosion was more severe. A total of eight trenches (Trenches 1-8, Fig 34) with a combined area of c222 sq m, were investigated.

Sponsor: Historic Scotland.

A J Dunwell and R Strachan 1995.

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