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Unspecified Geophysical Survey Technique

Date June 2005 - July 2005

Event ID 553966

Category Recording

Type Unspecified Geophysical Survey Technique


19th-century crofting village; prehistoric remains NF 100 994 (centre) In June and July 2005, a survey and limited excavation were carried out in the Village (NF19NW 21). The surveys consisted of mainly geophysical survey over five

croftlands centred on the burial ground. Trenches were opened over areas where geophysical anomalies had been detected in 2004 (DES 2004, 136), in order to establish whether these anomalies related to in situ archaeological deposits.

The geophysical surveys this year identified a number of anomalies that may represent structures, enclosures, trackways and terraces. The limited excavation identified possible structural remains, along with numerous sherds of coarse, hand-made pottery and stone tools that were recovered from the topsoil. No in situ archaeological deposits were excavated. The work was carried out with the assistance of NTS Work Parties.

Report lodged with Western Isles SMR and NMRS.

Sponsor: NTS.

R Will, I Shearer and D Maguire 2005

People and Organisations
