Aerial view of the lighthouse, the church and burial ground, Lochryan House, Glen Cottage military camp, Cairnryan military head quarters and Cairnryan military railway. View taken from the W.
Aerial view of the lighthouse, the church and burial ground, Lochryan House, Glen Cottage military camp, Cairnryan military head quarters and Cairnryan military railway and ship yard. View taken from the SW.
Aerial view of Lochryan House, the military headquarters, the light house, the military railway and ship yard, and the church and burial ground. View taken from the ENE.
Aerial view of Lochryan House, the military headquarters, the light house, the military railway and ship yard, and the church and burial ground. View taken from the NE.
Aerial view of Lochryan lighthouse, church and burial ground, of Glen Cottage military camp, and Cairnryan military railway and ship yard. View taken from the N.
Aerial view of the lighthouse, the church and burial ground, Lochryan House, Glen Cottage military camp, Cairnryan military head quarters and Cairnryan military railway. View taken from the W.
Aerial view of the lighthouse, the church and burial ground, Lochryan House, Glen Cottage military camp, Cairnryan military head quarters and Cairnryan military railway and ship yard. View taken from the SW.
Aerial view of Lochryan House, the military headquarters, the light house, the military railway and ship yard, and the church and burial ground. View taken from the ENE.