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RCAHMS Afforestable Land Survey, Rogart

Date March 1995 - July 1995

Event ID 550869

Category Project

Type Project


Rogart: fieldwork has been completed in a block of ground covering about 68 square kilometres around the village of Rogart, Sutherland. Although the Ordnance Survey had previously demonstrated that this was an archaeologically rich area, the present survey identified a significant number of hitherto unknown monuments, including two chambered cairns [NC70SW 51, NC70SW 52] and two probable Pictish cairn cemeteries [NC60NE 1, NC70SW 79].

To complement the archaeological work, and to provide a context for the monuments, the Royal Commission, with the financial support of Historic Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage, has commissioned Dr Richard Tipping to undertake a palaeo-environmental reconstruction of the Rogart basin.

RCAHMS (DES 1995, 115-6)

See also RCAHMS Annual Report 1994-5, 16; 1995-6, 18.

Structures database: DX001425

Linework: TM000355

People and Organisations

Digital Images

Tif version of Illustrator drawing of the archaeological  landscape of Little Rogart
Tif version of Illustrator drawing of the archaeological  landscape of Little RogartPlan of Grumby farmstead and stackyard (at 1:500) with detail of long building (at 1:100). 400dpi copy of DC40966Leataidh: view of byre-dwelling (Rog95 709) from NWLeataidh: view of byre-dwelling (Rog95 709) from WLeataidh: view of byre-dwelling (Rog95 709) from ELeataidh: view of byre-dwelling (Rog95 709) from ELeataidh an Raidhrich township; view of corn-drying kiln (Rog95 557) from SWLettie's Grave: RCAHMS at work. Mr Robert Shaw at plane-tableAllt Achadh na TeangaPhased plan of long building at Grumby Plan of Grumby farmstead and stackyard Plan of three square cairns at Lettie's Grave (at 1:200)Creac Leac nam Fitheach; plan of two phase hut-circle (ROG95 17)Plan of U-shaped burnt mound at AchorkPlan of cairn at AchorkPlan of Strathfleet dun
