Desk Based Assessment
Date 4 April 2022 - 14 April 2022
Event ID 1184904
Category Recording
Type Desk Based Assessment
A desk-based assessment has been carried out that has established that there are surviving remains ranging from national heritage value (high sensitivity) to local heritage value (low sensitivity) within the Forest Plan Site. These include the scheduled medieval ruins of Yester Castle; extensive areas of rig and furrow cultivation dating from the medieval to post-medieval period; enclosures and tracks relating to the layout of the Inventory Garden and Designed Landscape of Yester Estate; and various field banks and quarries probably dating to the development of the medieval estate and later uses in the 18th and 19th century. Furthermore, several designated heritage assets are situated in immediate proximity to the Forest Plan Site. Twelve of these remains would be directly affected to a greater or lesser degree by the Forest Plan and mitigation measures have been recommended to offset the predicted effects. The findings of the study indicate that there is a moderate potential for previously unrecorded archaeological remains to survive within the Forest Plan Site.
Information from OASIS Id: cfaarcha1-436583 (G Mudie) 2022