ScapaMAP2: Marine Heritage Monitoring with High-Resolution Survey Tools, 2001-2006
Date 16 October 2006 - 20 October 2006
Event ID 1172308
Category Recording
Type Multi Beam Sonar Scan
Multibeam sonar survey on board MV Anglia Sovereign recorded the remains of the salvage sites of the German High Seas Fleet to the west of Cava. Sonar survey recorded (anomaly 14) a significant depression in the seabed at a depth of 43m, at location UTM 30 N (WGS 84) X: 488479.63; Y 6527091.66. The site was interpreted as the salvage site of Sms Prinzregent Luitpold.
Information from Bobby Forbes (Sula Diving) 2006.