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Archaeological Evaluation

Date 14 September 2022 - 17 September 2022

Event ID 1166104

Category Recording

Type Archaeological Evaluation


NN 70655 02486 An evaluation of seven trenches was taken at Old Kilmadock Graveyard, in September 2022, primarily to prepare a quote to lift and conserve a previously discovered early medieval cross slab. The evaluation proposed to explore the boundary of the site, particularly the bulge on the southern side, along with a walkover survey of the findspots of two other inscribed stones to explore their context. The evaluation uncovered that fragments of the

cross slab are scattered across the findspot and identified a previously unknown Ogham inscription. The excavations of the cemetery boundary identified places of soil slumping in the cemetery and at least two phases of construction of the boundary wall.

Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Murray Cook and Rescuers of Old Kilmadock (ROOK)

Murray Cook, Kelly Kilpatrick, Sue MacKay and Jennifer Strachan – Stirling Council

(Source: DES Volume 23)

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