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Photographic survey

Date June 1957

Event ID 1157470

Category Recording

Type Photographic Survey


Photographic survey of buildings in Inverness by the Scottish National Buildings Record in 1957.

People and Organisations

Digital Images

5 Culduthel Road, Inverness United Charities Institution.
General view of corner, showing tower.
5 Culduthel Road, Inverness United Charities Institution.
General view of corner, showing tower.St. John's Church, Church Street.
General view of street front.Bank of Scotland, 26 Church Street.
General view of corner site, also showing 50 Union Street.Scanned image of Free North Church of Scotland.
View of facade from suspension footbridge.Scanned image of view from NNW.General viewGeneral view from south eastGeneral viewGeneral view of 100 - 106 Castle StreetSt. John's Church, Church Street.
General view of street front.54, 56, 58 and 60 High Street, (Post Office).
General view of Post Office and adjoining shops with Workmen in the foreground.View of central portion of facadeGeneral view of British Linen BankView of 35 - 41 High StreetSt. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Huntly Street.
General view of facade.General view of facadeView of pedimented section of facadeGeneral view
