Field Visit
Date August 1982
Event ID 1146104
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
Hillocks of the Graand HY 4742 2780 HY42NE 4
Very prominently poised on the edge of a rocky spur overlooking the flat coastal plain at the Send of the island is a site discovered by the OS in 1972. The mound has been heavily quarried and its material has spread down the steep slopes, but it was about 21m N-S by 17m. Exposed in it is a short straight stretch of wall-face pierced by a lintelled passage 0.3m wide and 1.1m long leading to a diminutive corbelled cell 1.4m by 0. 9m. This is consistent with a chambered tomb of Maes Howe type; in spite of the quarrying it is likely that archaeological deposits survive in the cell and main chamber.
RCAHMS 1982, visited August 1982
(OR 797)