Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)
Date 29 April 2019
Event ID 1119920
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
Date Fieldwork Started: 29/04/2019
Compiled by: ScRAP Team
Location Notes: Drumtroddan 4 is part of a group of cup-and-ring marked rocks (Drumtroddan 1 - 4) located within a fenced-off area in a field approximately 200m S of Drumtroddan Farm. Further rock art panels are located within a similarly fenced-off enclosure approximately 20m to the NW (Drumtroddan 8-13), and within a wooded area approximately 70m to the W (Drumtroddan 5-7). Drumtroddan 1 - 4 are part of the same Canmore ID (62794) and HER record (MDG2466) and, together with the panels in the other fenced-off enclosure and within the wooded area, are included within the same scheduled monument designation (SM90101), and are properties in care.
The two enclosures lies at the highest point of the field, and are part of a larger outcrop ridge. There are views in all directions, and particularly to the N, E and W, with the Galloway Hills visible in the distance to the NE. The enclosure within which Drumtroddan 4 is located contains four panels, Drumtroddan 1 - 4. Drumtroddan 4 lies in the W part of the enclosure, approximately 3m to the W of the most northerly of the panels, Drumtroddan 1.
Panel Notes: Drumtroddan 4 is a rectangular-shaped panel with a pointed W end. It measures 1.3 x 0.6m and rises to 0.2m at its highest point. The panel displays numerous fissures across its surface, and a large natural hollow.
The panel has been carved with three (or possibly four) cup-and-ring motifs. In the centre towards the SW end there is a cup with three rings. To the W of this there is a cup with two partial rings, and at the W end a cup with one partial ring. The possible cup and one partial ring with a tail is located on the N side, in the middle part of the panel.