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Scotland's Rock Art Project (ScRAP)

Date 2 May 2019

Event ID 1119910

Category Descriptive Accounts

Type Note


Date Fieldwork Started: 02/05/2019

Compiled by: ScRAP Team

Location Notes: Drumtroddan 11 is part of a group of cup-and-ring marked rocks (Drumtroddan 8 - 13) located within a fenced-off area in a field approximately 200m S of Drumtroddan Farm. Further rock art panels are located within a similarly fenced-off enclosure approximately 20m to the SE (Drumtroddan 1 – 4), and within a wooded area approximately 70m to the W (Drumtroddan 5 – 7). Drumtroddan 8-13 are part of the same Canmore ID (62751) and HER record (MDG2423) and, together with the panels in the other fenced-off enclosure and within the wooded area, are included within the same scheduled monument designation (SM90101), and are properties in care.

The two enclosures within the field are part of a large area of outcropping rock. There are views in all directions, and particularly to the N, E and W, with the Galloway hills visible in the distance to the NE. Drumtroddan standing stones (Canmore ID: 62762) are approximately 400m to the S. The enclosure within which Drumtroddan 11 is located, measures approximately 8m x 16m. All the panels within this group are found on a single area of exposed outcrop ridge running broadly NW-SE certain parts of which are turf-covered.

Drumtroddan 11 is located within the middle part of the grouping. Drumtroddan 8 lies approximately 0.9 m to the E and Drumtroddan 12 0.9m to the W.

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