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Archaeological Evaluation
Date September 2018 - October 2018
Event ID 1104825
Category Recording
Type Archaeological Evaluation
NT 34220 72490 A trial trenching evaluation was carried out, September – October 2018, in advance of the development of residential flats at the former Tesco Store site, Mall Avenue. The site lies within the area formerly occupied by mid-20th-century buildings associated with the Brunton Wireworks. The evaluation established that significant disturbance at least to the level of the natural had taken place across the area prior to the construction of the wireworks. A number of features associated with the wireworks were identified (drainage pipes, creosote-soaked timber, sleeper beams, brick walls, concrete foundations etc). The only other features were two shallow parallel linear features of indeterminate date and function.
Archive: NRHE (intended). Report: East Lothian HER
Funder: Dundas Estates and Developments Co Ltd
Magnus Kirby – CFA Archaeology Ltd
(Source: DES Vol 19)