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Replacement Overhead Line (YX route), Ben Cruachan Hydro Power Station to Dalmally Substation
Date March 2015 - June 2015
Event ID 1093550
Category Recording
Type Excavation
NN 0800 2773 - NN 1422 2939: Two phases of archaeological mitigation work were carried out by CFA Archaeology Ltd along the route of an overhead power line from Ben Cruachan Hydro Power Station (NGR: NN 0800 2773) to Dalmally substation (NGR: NN 1422 2939) in advance of line replacement works.
Walkover survey along the edges of previously constructed access tracks discovered a bank, Site 12, which had been bisected and truncated by the access track to YX07. A section of the bank was excavated and recorded and deemed to be a post-medieval field boundary.
Also discovered during walkover survey were two possible cairns, site 13 in the vicinity of Tower YX08, and site 14 further down towards the valley floor and near the Dalmally Substation. Both were overgrown and fairly small at 3m maximum diameter, and both are suggestive of field clearance activity. Sites 13 and 14 were demarcated to ensure protection and visibility during forthcoming works on the YX line project.
Funder: Iberdrola Engineering and Construction
CFA Archaeology Ltd - Ewan Mac Neilage (July 2015)