Date 2 December 2015 - 18 October 2016
Event ID 1045075
Category Descriptive Accounts
Type Note
This fort or fortified settlement is situated on a low rise immediately S of the the Bairds Malt Ltd storage silos. Oval on plan, it measures 110m from ENE to WSW by 80m transversely (0.69ha) within the inner of two ditches set between 16m and 20m apart. The inner ditch is between 4m and 5m in breadth, and the outer up to 3m, and they are pierced by a single entrance on the ESE. The interior, which is probably slightly dished, appears to contain some areas of deeper sediments and, allowing for the presence of the inner rampart, extends to about 0.55ha. The outer enclosure would have taken in an area measuring about 160m from ENE to WSW by 110m transversely (1.3ha).
Information from An Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland – 18 October 2016. Atlas of Hillforts SC3778