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Field Visit
Date 24 August 2017
Event ID 1042610
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
This observation post is situated in wooded ground immediately above the shingle on the N bank of the River Clyde. Rectangular on plan, it measures 1.6m from NW to SE by 1.3m transversely within brick walls 0.35m thick and 1.9m high. A brick baffle protects the central entrance on the NW, the whole being covered by an extension of the flat concrete roof. The observation window with its chamfered, cement washed sill is positioned immediately below the roof on the SW and measures 2.3m long and 0.4m high. Alterations to the original build include the blocking of access from the SE and the removal of the original wall forming the SE side of the central doorway. At the same time, a stove may have been installed, facilitated by the punching through of a hole in the brickwork immediately below the roof and close to the rear edge of the window on the NW side. The post remains in relatively good condition though the concrete foundations are exposed at the edge of the beach. Some indistinct graffiti is visible on the external face of the NW wall.
Visited by HES, Survey and Recording (ATW, AKK) 24 August 2017.