Measured Survey
Date March 2016
Event ID 1040024
Category Recording
Type Measured Survey
This survey was carried out the spring of 2016 by HES' Survey and Recording Group as a Special Survey. It was selected because of the poor quality of the existing record, and has benefited from the Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award to William Wyeth to study Early Stone Castles, 1050-1350, under the supervision of Professor Richard Oram of Stirling University and Dr Piers Dixon, HES. The survey team included Heather Stoddart, Iain Anderson, Ali McCaig and Steve Wallace, Piers Dixon and William Wyeth (PhD student). The survey comprised measured survey and photography. Laser scan 3D data was compiled for the site which provided a base for the profiles and plans of the site, and the tower in particular. These were drawn up at 1:250 and included a ground plan, a plan of each floor of the tower as well as the profiles. As a Property in Care this data provides a base for conservation as well as interpretation.