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Standing Building Recording
Date 10 February 2003 - 4 August 2003
Event ID 1034302
Category Recording
Type Standing Building Recording
A programme of monitoring and recording was undertaken while contractors carried out intrusive works and alterations at the Queen Anne Building (QAB), Edinburgh Castle. Photographs were taken, drawings and detailed descriptions of exposed features, masonry and roof timbers were made, and added to the ongoing database. This work is a continuation of the programme of standing building recording and excavation carried out since 1999.
As part of the programme, there was an opportunity to examine the roof spaces. Where access permitted, detailed scaled plans and elevations (mostly 1:20) were drawn. Elsewhere, sketch plans were made showing the layout of roof timbers in a schematised fashion. Individual elements of the roof structure were numbered and described.
Trenches 12-31 (Fig. 1) are numbered in a continuation of the sequence of trench numbers used during previous excavations. Contexts seen in these trenches are prefixed with the letter E to distinguish their feature numbers from similar numbers allocated during the examination of upstanding building features and roof elements (Fig. 2).
G Ewart 2003
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
Kirkdale Archaeology